Laser ,Types and Use

  LASER :-                    LASER is an acronym of  Light Amplification by stimulated emission of Radiation. It is an optical device which produces an intensive beam of highly coherent, Monochromatic light[ Electromagnetic radiation, especially visible radiation, of only one frequency or wavelength]. It can travel over great distance without spread.   LASER LIGHT :-                                   1. It is very different than normal light and contains only one specific wavelength of light.                                 2. A laser light has very tight beam and is very strong and concentrated.                                 3. A laser light can go to the moon and th...

Ultrasonic Sound and Ultrasonography

What is Ultrasonic Sound?
                                 - The sound of frequency higher than 20,000 Hz, is called Ultrasonic sound. 
                               -Ultrasonic waves can not be heard by human beings. Dogs can hear the ultrasonic sound of frequency up to 50,000Hz. That is why dogs are used for detective work for the police. 
- Bats can hear the ultrasonic sonic sound having a frequency up to 120kHz.
- Dolphins, bats, porpoises and rats can also produce ultrasonic sound as well as hear the ultrasonic sound.
- These are high-frequency waves. They travel in a straight line without bending around the corners. They can penetrate into the matter to a large extent. Due to these properties, ultrasound is used industry and in hospital for medical purposes.
1. Ultrasonography- Ultrasound waves can penetrate the human body and different types of tissues and get reflected in different ways from a region where there is a change of the tissue density. 

         In this way, ultrasound helps us to see inside the human body and to give the picture of the inner organ by converting into an electric signal. These pictures are then displayed on the monitor. This technique is called Ultrasonography. 
- It is used for the examination of the foetus during pregnancy to detect any growth or abnormalities.
2. Echocardiography- Ultrasound is also used to diagnose heart diseases by scanning the heart from inside. This technique is Echocardiography.


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