Laser ,Types and Use

  LASER :-                    LASER is an acronym of  Light Amplification by stimulated emission of Radiation. It is an optical device which produces an intensive beam of highly coherent, Monochromatic light[ Electromagnetic radiation, especially visible radiation, of only one frequency or wavelength]. It can travel over great distance without spread.   LASER LIGHT :-                                   1. It is very different than normal light and contains only one specific wavelength of light.                                 2. A laser light has very tight beam and is very strong and concentrated.                                 3. A laser light can go to the moon and th...

Archimedes' Principle and its Applications

What is Archimedes' Principle?
           When a body is fully and partially dipped into fluid, the Force of Buoyancy or Upward Thrust acting on the body will be equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.
Note- Archimedes' principle is valid for both liquid and gases.
 Upthrust acting on body = weight of liquid displaced by body 

Even Gases like air exerted an upward force on the objects placed in them.
It is used in designing ships and submarines, in lactometer[ used to determine the purity of the milk], in Hydrometer[ Used to determine the density of liquid]

Application in Daily life-
- A Boat floats in water due to upward force called Buoyant Force(or Upthrust) which caused by the pressure of water pushing up on the bottom of the boat. When the boat is gradually lowered into the water, it displaces more and more water. Hence, Buoyant force on it also increases. when this upthrust becomes just enough to support the weight of the boat, the boat stop sinking down in the water.

Now according to Archimedes' principle, Upthrust is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the boat. Hence, During the floating of the boat, the weight of the water displaced by the submerged part of the boat is equal to the weight of the boat.

- It is Buoyant force or upthrust due to displaced air which makes a balloon rise in the air here is the density of the gases matters). The density of gases filled in the balloon should be less than that of the air.

The iron nail sinks in water but the iron ship floats?

 This is because of the density of iron nail is much higher than that of the water, so it sinks. The weight of the water displaced by an iron nail is much smaller than that of its weight, while the weight of the water displaced by an iron ship is equal to its weight, so it flows on water.


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