Laser ,Types and Use

  LASER :-                    LASER is an acronym of  Light Amplification by stimulated emission of Radiation. It is an optical device which produces an intensive beam of highly coherent, Monochromatic light[ Electromagnetic radiation, especially visible radiation, of only one frequency or wavelength]. It can travel over great distance without spread.   LASER LIGHT :-                                   1. It is very different than normal light and contains only one specific wavelength of light.                                 2. A laser light has very tight beam and is very strong and concentrated.                                 3. A laser light can go to the moon and th...

Sonic boom and Everyday Science

What is Sonic Boom?
                                  - When the speed of any object exceeds the speed of sound, it is said to have Supersonic Speed. Many objects such as aircraft, bullets, rockets, etc. travel at supersonic speed. When a sound-producing source moves with a speed higher than that of sound, it produces shock waves in air which carry a large amount of energy. The tremendous air pressure variations caused by the shock waves produce a loud burst of sound, known as the Sonic boom.
                It Produces intolerable loud noise which causes pain in our ears. The shock waves produced by a supersonic aircraft have enough energy to shatter glass and even can damage buildings.
Everyday Science
1. Ladies voice is sharper than Gents- 
                                                          - Frequency of ladies voice is usually higher than that of gents. Therefore, ladies voice has a higher pitch( Sharper) than gents.

2. The humming of Mosquitoes has low loudness- Humming of mosquito has a high pitch( high frequency) but low intensity( low loudness) while the roar of a lion has high intensity(loudness) but low pitch.


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