Laser ,Types and Use

  LASER :-                    LASER is an acronym of  Light Amplification by stimulated emission of Radiation. It is an optical device which produces an intensive beam of highly coherent, Monochromatic light[ Electromagnetic radiation, especially visible radiation, of only one frequency or wavelength]. It can travel over great distance without spread.   LASER LIGHT :-                                   1. It is very different than normal light and contains only one specific wavelength of light.                                 2. A laser light has very tight beam and is very strong and concentrated.                                 3. A laser light can go to the moon and th...

SONAR and communication of Bats

What is SONAR?
                    - The Word SONAR stands for Sound Navigation And Ranging. Sonar is an apparatus used to find the depth of the sea or to locate underwater things like shoals of fish, shipwrecks, and enemy submarines. It is used ultrasonic waves to measure the distance, direction and speed of underwater objects. 
Ultrasonic sound waves use because
- These waves have high penetrating power, they can penetrate into sea-water to a large extent to locate the underwater objects or to determine the depth of the sea.
- These waves cannot be confused with engine noises or other sound made by the ship as they can not be heard by human beings. 

-Use of Ultrasonic waves by the Bats

                                         - Bats search out prey and fly in dark by emitting and detecting the reflection of ultrasonic waves. the method used by some animals like bats, portoises and dolphins to locate the object by hearing the echoes of their ultrasonic squeaks is known as Echolocation.
  - Bats emit high-frequency or high pitched ultrasonic squeaks while flying and listen to the echoes of produced by the reflection of there squeaks from obstacles in their path. From the time taken by the echoes to be heard, bats can determine the distance of the obstacles or prey and can avoid the obstacles by changing their path or catch the prey.


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