Laser ,Types and Use

  LASER :-                    LASER is an acronym of  Light Amplification by stimulated emission of Radiation. It is an optical device which produces an intensive beam of highly coherent, Monochromatic light[ Electromagnetic radiation, especially visible radiation, of only one frequency or wavelength]. It can travel over great distance without spread.   LASER LIGHT :-                                   1. It is very different than normal light and contains only one specific wavelength of light.                                 2. A laser light has very tight beam and is very strong and concentrated.                                 3. A laser light can go to the moon and th...

Iron seems colder in winter and Heat

Transmission of heat- Heat flows from hot body to a colder body, this flow of heat is called transmission of heat.
-Iron seems colder in winter- 
                                            During winter, the temperature of our body is higher than the room temperature. When we touch iron, the iron rapidly conducts heat from our hand and gives a cold feeling. Wood, on the other hand, is a bad conductor of heat, it conducts heat slowly from our hand and appears cold.

-The water from a hand pump is warm in winter and cold in summer- This is because in winter the outside temperature is low and in summer outside temperature is higher as compared to the temperature of water obtained from underground water, which remains practically unchanged due to earth being bad conduct of heat.

- Why we use blankets and quilts filled with cotton good in winter- Because the fibres of woollen clothes have larger interspaces than cotton clothes and the air is filled in these spaces. Since air is bad conduct of heat, there is on heat transmission by conduction also. Hence, these clothes prevent heat from our body to go outside and our body remains warm.


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